The 5 Areas Of Holistic Health Explained

Our modern world is stressful.

As a generation, we are constantly running from one place to another clutching our devices and living in a state of constant stress. Not only does this mean that, mentally, but we are also running on empty.

It also puts a considerable strain on our physical and emotional health too, causing us to feel challenged by the smallest things and to take on much more than we should. When we feel ill or notice symptoms begin to sneak their way in, the first port of call is generally traditional medicine.

However, western medicine tends to look at the surface-level problems rather than considering the wider factors that could be causing someone to feel unwell. This is where holistic health comes into play.

Holistic Health - What is it?

Taking control over your holistic health means taking into account so many more factors than just how your body feels.

It is a unique approach to life that considers many different aspects of wellness. This is also known as a form of healing that considers the entire person - their mind, body, spirit and overall emotions.

Gaining proper balance in life is considered to be the overall goal with practising individuals taking into account the health of each spectrum in life to achieve said balance. They take control over their health decisions, using a blend of lifestyle changes and healing methods to promote a higher state of wellness.

There are a variety of approaches that sit underneath the ‘holistic health’ umbrella.

Everything from choosing specific foods to moving your body in a certain way and practising mindfulness - there are a multitude of ways to approach your health naturally and holistically. However, many experts agree that there are 5 key areas of holistic health that allow us to better understand where we sit in the quest for balance.

What Are The 5 Areas Of Holistic Health?

When people begin to look beyond just the body and to the wider spectrum of wellness, 5 areas of health come into focus. These are:

  • Physical Health
  • Emotional Health
  • Social Health
  • Spiritual Health
  • Intellectual Health

Let’s look at each of them in more detail.

Physical Health

We talk about holistic health being so much more than just the well-being of our bodies.

However, physical health cannot be ignored. How we feel physically has a big impact on our everyday life, from how easy we can move to how well our body can perform.

This area of natural health is what most of us think when we discuss health in general. When our body is healthy and functioning at the optimal level, we are better able to improve the other areas that we have listed above.

Alongside treating illnesses with medicines, you can prioritise your physical health by:

  • Ensuring you get enough sleep. NHS guidance recommends anywhere between 6-9 hours. During sleep, our body is able to perform a host of restorative and repairing functions which are vital to prioritising our physical well being.
  • Eating a healthy and balanced diet that includes an abundance of vitamins and minerals.
  • Exercise your body for at least 30 minutes per day to maintain physical strength and prioritise the health of your cardiovascular system.
  • Limit the number of processed foods and hydrogenated oils. These, in excess, can accelerate the progression of several chronic illnesses.
  • Consider adding supplements and vitamins to your diet.
  • Avoid smoking and keep alcohol consumption to a minimum.
  • Drink plenty of water every single day. The current regulations say that 6-8 cups of fluid per day (including water, low-fat milk and sugar-free drinks) is sufficient to support our bodies essential functions.

Emotional Health

Poor emotional health impacts every aspect of our life.

It can even manifest itself physically, pulling down our physical well being too. Emotional health is understood as our ability to cope with life events, as well as both positive and negative emotions.

It relates to our overall sense of well-being and, those who feel balanced with their emotional health, are thought to be in control of their thoughts, feelings and emotions.

To be emotionally healthy, you should be able to:

  • Recognise emotions and feelings when they arise.
  • Challenge the inner critical voice and counteract it with messages of compassion and self-love.
  • Become curious about your behaviours and where those emotions may have come from.

You will gain a heightened ability to cope with stress, allow you to develop deeper relationships and boost your self-esteem. Some ways that you can manage your mental health include:

  • Practising meditation and holistic methods of stress reduction, including mindfulness.
  • Consider integrating therapy into your routine.
  • Journal and keep note of your emotions/feelings.
  • Consider alternative therapies such as reiki, hypnotherapy or crystal healing

Mental Health

Alongside emotional health, it is important to also prioritise our mental health.

This term relates to the cognitive abilities that impact how our brain’s functions. It links to cognitive, behavioural and emotional well-being - creating how we think, behave and feel.

Poor mental health is receiving a lot of attention in the media at the moment. We are becoming increasingly aware of the impact that not prioritising these feelings can have on our wider life.

The ways in which we improve our mental health are similar to those for emotional health, such as:

  • Connect with your community and make sure to rely on those around you
  • Exercise regularly and make it enjoyable so that it becomes a recurring habit
  • Develop new skills and engage yourself in activities that bring you joy
  • Be mindful by practising meditation.
  • Discuss your feelings with those that you trust and people who can help you to navigate your way through them.

Social Health

Humans are naturally social beings.

From as far back as our history books date, we have lived in tribes as a means to nurture our own social health. In modern life, where devices and screens have become the acceptable means of communication, many people struggle to maintain good social health.

We need those deep connections and to be surrounded by people who uplift us. Social health also blurs the lines with emotional health - the more supported and connected we feel with our community, the better we are able to manage our mental state and emotional well being.

Social health will look different for everyone.

Some of us are natural extroverts who thrive being in bustling large groups while others will seek out a few special individuals. Whichever side you sit on, you should consider:

  • Ensuring that face-to-face connections are your key priority. You lose a lot of the nuances of human conversation if they aren’t made in person. Make time for these interactions, even if it’s only for a small portion of your week.
  • Volunteer or connect with your community to build that bond with those around you.
  • Cut people from your lives who bring negativity or bring you down.
  • Surround yourself with people who feel warmth - those people who make your cup feel full after you’ve seen them.

Spiritual Health

Having good spiritual health means being connected with your soul and generating a feeling of peace with your life.

It means something to each and every one of us. Those who have strong religious connections may find this in strengthening their bond and understanding of God or a higher being.

Others may seek this in the power of the universe or even in themselves. It involves developing an understanding of the capacities that exist in every single human being and building a life where you feel real purpose.

There are many ways to strengthen your spiritual health. You could:

  • Start practising yoga. You’ll notice physical and emotional health benefits as well as carving space for your brain to explore the true meaning and purpose of life to you.
  • Seek out deeper meanings in your life.
  • Get to know yourself by understanding where your values lie, what brings you joy and what your purpose is.
  • Meditate and take time to free your mind from the stresses of every single day and, instead, discover that deeper inner voice.

Holistic health and natural health go hand in hand.

Here at Natural Health 4 Life, we bring together a wealth of  resources and products to help you live a better and more rewarding life overall. We also have a team of experts on hand who can help to support you in the best possible ways.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to one of us, please do get in contact here today.

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