• Ground Cloves 100g
  • £3.00
  • £1.50

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Natural Health 4 Life is delighted to present ground cloves, a versatile and aromatic spice that has been a staple in global cuisines for centuries. Originating from Indonesia, these cloves are meticulously ground to enhance their cooking versatility, making them an indispensable ingredient for amateur and professional chefs.

The ground cloves are the flower buds from the tree, processed into a fine powder that releases a rich, aromatic scent. This makes them an excellent addition to a wide range of dishes, from Asian cuisine and curries to baked goods like apple pies and tarts. Whether you want to add a dash of flavour to your savoury dishes or a hint of spice to your desserts, these ground cloves are up to the task. One of the unique aspects of ground cloves is their adaptability. They can be used in various forms, from being a key spice ingredient in complex recipes to being made into herb tea. To prepare the tea, add half to one teaspoon of ground cloves to water, bring it to a boil, and let it simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. You can sweeten it with honey or even add green tea for an extra layer of flavour.

In terms of measurement, one whole clove is equivalent to half a teaspoon of ground cloves. This makes it easier to adjust the quantity according to your specific needs, ensuring you achieve the perfect balance of flavours in your dishes. Natural Health 4 Life ensures that the ground cloves are free from allergens and available in various weights and containers, allowing you to choose the amount that best suits your needs. The product also comes with a zero percent VAT rate, making it a cost-effective choice for enhancing culinary creations.

With ground cloves from Natural Health 4 Life, you're not just adding a spice; you're adding a touch of culinary artistry to your kitchen. Experience the rich aroma and versatile uses of this exceptional spice today.

Allergens in Bold Cloves.
Country of Origin Product of Indonesia
Useful Information

Cloves are a very popular spice used in a variety of different cuisines around the world since ancient times.
It is especially used as a spice ingredient in Asian cuisine and curries.
Ground Cloves are the flower buds from the tree, ground down into powder, that makes such a great aromatic spice.
Can be used in baking apple pies, tarts and stewed apples.
Delicious added to sweet or savoury dishes.
Ground cloves can be made into a herb tea by adding 1/2 to 1teaspoon to water, boil and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. Can sweeten with honey etc, or if you prefer to add green tea etc add and simmer for 5 minutes more
In cooking 1 whole cloves = 1/2 teaspoon of ground cloves.

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